Winter-Time Fine

Well hello there, it’s truly been a while and oh how I’ve missed you all. As you can see, my site has had a facelift and I’m so excited to be back! Since 2015, my blog has been an outlet of my thoughts and creativity so I’m extremely happy to be here doing what feels so natural. 2021 has already been an emotional rollercoaster and I feel as though I’m barely keeping up but by the Grace of God I am here doing what I love most in this world and that’s all that truly matters.

This year I’ve felt a strong urge to let go of what no longer serves my purpose and that includes people, places and things. While last year taught us the essential needs of our lives, 2021 has been an extension of those same principles but more aligned with the personal direction of my life and where it’s headed. Last year was rough but for many of us it was the perfect scapegoat to situations and circumstances we were to rid ourselves from and it only took shaking up the world to do so. As I enter a new phase in my life, it’s the same me from 2020 with a few improvements. Instead of feeling obligated to hold on to opportunities past the expiration date, I’ve learned to let go and let God. With less fear and more confidence I can do whatever I set my mind to, I just have to believe in myself first and be open to what’s on the way with my name on it. When I think back to when I was working a desk job itching to be a creative in the world, I had the confidence then to give it up and try something new at the risk of being uncomfortable. It's that same confidence I seem to have lost over the last few months and now it’s time to reclaim it. You don’t reach for goals then stop, you keep going, you keep praying and you keep believing that there’s so much more to learn in this world. Each phase of your life is bringing you closer to why you've been placed on this earth, if you choose to follow and I’m here to fulfill my destiny.

We like to think that the world stopped when Covid-19 hit, but the world stops for no one. Every day is a new experience and a new lesson to hold on to for the next day and the day after that. If there’s one thing I can say is to pray for what you want and pray for the strength to let go of what you don’t need in your life and to replace it with something better. I’m a testament in rolling my eyes when someone tells me to pray, in disbelief that God will help with the small things but the jokes was on me because Jesus Christ helps with ALL things.

Dear Lord,

Please give me the confidence to go after my dreams and the vision you set forth for me.

In Jesus Name,


Blazer: Fashion Nova (here)

Boots: NYAS


And She’s Back.


On a Journey