Platform Dreams
Platforms are making a comeback in a major way. I’ve been noticing a 70’s vibe slowly creeping back into current fashion and footwear trends,so this is a style to definitely keep your eyes on. Platforms can be a bit intimidating at first, but I’m all about embracing your height and stepping out of our comfort zone to reach NEW heights in every aspect of our lives. Platforms are not only apart of trends on the rise but also super comfortable! These particular Ninewest peep toe sling back platforms are perfect for spring and honestly just really fun to wear! I suggest a color that pairs well with multiple different colors to mix and match. When it comes to colors, I love coordinating rather than matching. Mix and match this spring, don’t be afraid of bright colors and new heights. We have places to go and new heights to reach in our lives so why not have fun with our wardrobe while doing so.